15 Breakfast Foods That Can Ruin Your Day!

Bacon and other processed meats

Bacon, sausages, ham and other types of processed meats might taste nice – but that’s generally because of the added salts and the processing techniques used that are designed to appeal to our tastebuds. (Well, those of meat eaters, anyway.)

Processed meats are high in saturated fats which are highly calorific. Consuming such foods can lead to health problems, including weight gain.

Adding to the problem is the level of salt often found in these kinds of meats. Eating too much salt can at best make us feel thirsty and dehydrated. Plus, processed meats are linked with problems later in life with the stomach and intestines.

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On the plus side, bacon and sausages do provide protein, which keeps us full and sustains us for all the tasks we need to get done each morning. But a healthier breakfast option that’s rich in animal protein is eggs, so opt for a couple of poached, boiled or scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast for an energising, healthy, lower fat breakfast.

We’re not saying to avoid bacon and sausage completely. If you enjoy eating them, save them for the occasional weekend breakfast and avoid consuming them every day.

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