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    6 Signs That You Are Low In Iron

    Low iron is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world. According to the World Health Organization, it is the only nutritional deficiency that is extremely common in the western world. It is estimated that two billion people in the world are iron-deficient. This is approximately 30 percent of the world’s population. Women […] More

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    This 50 Push-Up Challenge Will Transform Your Body in 30 Days

    Many of us dream of a strong and muscular body, unfortunately there are a plethora of reasons that can undermine this goal. When you see all the exercises offered on the Web, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the flood of information. Rest assured, the following challenge is intended to make your job easier. […] More

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    Kidney Cancer: Symptoms and Risk Factors

    Kidney cancer is cancer that begins in the kidneys. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located behind the abdominal organs; there is a kidney on each side of the spine. In adults, renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. Other less common […] More

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    Do you have joint pain? These five plants will help you

    Joint pain is one of the causes of medical and therapeutic consultation today. For example, in Spain alone, according to recent reports, it is estimated that 60% of Spaniards between 35 and 65 years of age have suffered of some type of joint pain in the last year. [anuncio_b30 id=1]     There are many […] More

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    Because while there are times when the gym is the perfect respite from a long day at work (you can get in, sweat, get out, and feel completely renewed), there are others when the gym is one giant irritation. There are too many people clanking weights, or chatting when they should be clanking weights, and […] More

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    15 Foods to Eat if You Want Your Hair to Grow Faster

    Say aye and read on if you are suffering from stunted hair growth and hair loss (well, who is not?). Added preservatives, MSGs, steroid injected meat, pollution, and depleting ozone layer, all lead to premature ageing. [anuncio_b30 id=2]     Other factors such as age, genetics and diet also determine how fast the hair growth […] More

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    6 Best Exercises for Beautiful Biceps

    These specially selected biceps exercises with dumbbells make your arms beautiful, namely to emphasize the biceps. How to pump up a girl’s biceps Most gym-goers don’t need to be told about the virtues of beautiful arms and how important biceps training is for girls, because the biceps muscles of the arms are one of the […] More

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    15 Breakfast Foods That Can Ruin Your Day!

    [anuncio_b30 id=2]     Breakfast is by far the most crucial breakfast in the entire day as it is said. However, the truth of the matter should be that a healthy breakfast is the most crucial food of the day. Making the right choices about your breakfast can prepare you for a productive and energetic […] More

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    10 Fat Burning Leg Exercises You Better Start Right Now

    [anuncio_b30 id=2]     Having strong and healthy legs is extremely important, not just for good-looking thighs, but also for our brains and overall health. Exercising your legs helps you keep a sharp mind as you age, maintaining strong intellectual abilities and sanity. They did a workout with leg exercises that will help you shed fat, […] More

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    10 Warning Signs Of Cancer You Should Never Ignore

    Unexplained Weight Loss This is one of the first marked signs of cancer, particularly in solid tumors such as lung and breast cancer. Weight loss occurs when cancer reaches the liver and impairs its ability to eliminate toxins and regulate appetite. However, it can also be a warning sign of digestive cancers, such as colon […] More

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    If You Have High Blood Pressure, Avoid These Foods

    Diet can have a big impact on your blood pressure. Salty and sugary foods, and foods high in saturated fats, can increase blood pressure. Avoiding them can help you get and maintain a healthy blood pressure. Open Next Button To Continue Reading : Limit Your Cheeses (And Choose The Right Ones) It’s a myth that […] More

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