10 Fat Burning Leg Exercises You Better Start Right Now

Jump squats

The sauteed squats are even more effective than regular squats, and they will help you sculpt your hips and your glutes in no time. The only thing that changes is that we add a jump to the squat, and the position of the arms is slightly different.

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  • This time, begin in a squat position, legs apart, feet below the hips.
  • While in this position, push hard on your feet and jump high with your arms bent and your hands brought under your head.
  • Land on your feet in a squat position with your upper body tilted slightly in front of you and your arms extended behind you. This position will stimulate your jump.
  • Perform two to three sets of ten jump squats, rest between each set, and resume the exercise.

Tip: Try to focus on landing the jump. It should be as gentle as possible so that you don’t hurt your knees.

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