7 Signs That Indicate Your Child Has Autism Most People Ignore

Difficulties in Socializing (Not engaging or communicating with other kids )

Social anxiety is defined as the fear of social situations, which may involve interactions with other individuals. All individuals with autism will have some delay or deficit in developing social skills.
Some children may not yet be ready to socially interact with others, while other children and young people with autism may interact freely with peers but still experience social anxiety at times causing them to shy away from interactions.

Most children who are affected by autism suffer from a lack of communication skills they do not engage with their peers, they do not play with them, they do not even show interest in what they are doing. In most cases, they try to do hard things by themselves and they prefer this way to demand others who they do not know or even those who they know. They act maybe like old people who are bored from this earth.

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