6 Signs That You Are Low In Iron

6 Signs That You Are Low In Iron

The best thing that you can do to correct a deficiency is to include more iron-rich foods in your diet. This should be the first step that you take. There are two types of this nutrient. You can get the haeme form or the non-haeme form.


This form is readily absorbed by the body. It is found in red meat, fish, poultry and shellfish.


This form is found in spinach, eggs, milk, lentils and beans. It is harder for your body to absorb this form. However, it is still important for you to include these foods in your diet. You can make it easier for your body to absorb iron by taking vitamin C along with it. One study showed that when vitamin C was taken along with an iron-rich food, the absorption was increased by three-fold. Broccoli, cauliflower, Leafy green vegetables, tomatoes and lemon juice are all great sources of vitamin C.

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