5 symptoms of down syndrome

Set of extra chromosome 21:

In down syndrome, people have an extra copy of chromosome down syndrome. Abnormalities in chromosomes down affect the way that down syndrome patients grow and develop, causing down syndrome symptoms such as developmental delays and low muscle tone.

In order to determine whether your baby may have down syndrome symptoms before they are born, you should consult your doctor about down syndrome tests. Down’s kids usually fall below their expected down’s test scores on a standard IQ test (the average person has an IQ between 85 to 115).

If you think your child might suffer from down syndrome symptoms, consult with a doctor immediately about how to give help to down babies. In most cases, children with down syndrome benefit from down syndrome therapies, down syndrome medicine, and down syndrome supplements. These down’s therapies can help your own child sleep better, eat better, walk faster and speak sooner.

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